Wednesday 6 January 2016

President's Hike - Knysna (Part 2)

So Kaylin's phone is flat and her charger no longer wants to charge her phone. Sadly she can no longer send me photos or updates.

I do however know that they arrived safely at their destination in Kaynsa and that she completed the first of four 20km hikes successfully.

However on Monday night I received a distress call from her (from her friend's phone). She had spilled a full pot of boiling water and 2min noodles over her bare foot......instant blisters....and she still has 3 x 20km hikes to complete with a full hiking bag on her back.

Maar Kaylin sal nie dat so iets in haar pad staan nie. Ons verneem sy het alreeds die volgende 20km suksesvol was dit nou deels in plakkies en deels kaalvoet.

Jy toon deursettings vermoe, vasberandehied en karakter. Ons is super trots op jou my kaalvoet kind.

I'm hoping that she will arrange to get all the photos from her friends once she is back home. I will be sure to post them here and to share with you, what I'm sure is a very exciting adventure.

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